Developing research and innovation capacities of Latinamerican HEI for the analysis of informal labour market
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Conference on regional studies and labor market

The SIMEL Network (Labor Market Information System) together with the Center for Social Studies and the Faculty of Economic Sciences (FCE) of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) call for the presentation of extended abstracts to participate in the VI National Conference on Regional Studies and Labor Market and the VIII Forum "Regional inequalities and their effects on work and employment in Argentina" to be held on September 3 and 4, 2020 at the Resistencia Campus of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, in the city of Resistencia, province of Chaco, Argentina.

The objective of the activity is to expand the space for discussion and exchange between researchers dedicated to these issues in different regions of the country. In addition, efforts will be made to strengthen the work of the research teams at the regional level and potentiate their articulation and dissemination with undergraduate and graduate students as well as with social extension teams.

Important dates:

Congress: Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September 2020.

Call for extended abstracts deadline (up to 7 pages): June 29, 2020.


Contact for more information

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