Developing research and innovation capacities of Latinamerican HEI for the analysis of informal labour market
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Online Conference "Género y Raza en la Informalidad Laboral" was held on Friday September 25th

On Friday, September 25th, the Conference “Género y raza en la Informalidad” was held. It was streamed live through LATWORK Project Youtube Channel. This activity was carried out within the framework of the LATWORK Online Course “Informalidad y sus multiples dimensiones en América Latina” and, specifically, it was the closing conference of Module 3 of the Course.

The webinar began with the words of Ms. Meritxell Calbet, Director of International Cooperation in Universidad Viña del Mar and General Coordinator of the LATWORK Project, who welcomed the participants and presented de course. After that, Dr. Andrea Delfino, academic at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, and one of the professors in charge of module 3 of the course, introduced the keynote speakers. The first speaker was Dr. Elva López, Official in Inclusive Labour Market Institutions, ILO Country Office for Argentina, who gave the conference “Informalidad tiene rostro de mujer”. The second conference Informalidade e as relações de classe, de gênero de raça was developed by Dr. Angela María Carneiro Araújo, Professor and Researcher at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. These conferences and in general, the whole third module of the course, had the aim of addressing the informal labour market as a focus of inequalities, especially inequalities related to dynamics like gender and race, which are very relevant in this labour market.

The Conference "Género y raza en la informalidad” and the different perspectives of the experts from the point of view of Argentina and Brasil created a very enriching atmosphere during the conference which was perfect for the closing of the Module 3 of the course. For those who could not attend or those who wish to re-view the Conference, it is available in the YouTube Channel of the LATWORK Project at the following link: P0L0u_0oHoU.

On September 28th the fourth and last module of the Course "Informalidad y sus multiples dimensiones en América Latina" will start and it ​​ will address the topic "Methodologies to measure informality". It will run for four weeks, until the last week of October, when the first edition this interesting course that began in July 2020 with more than 600 participants registered will conclude.



10 | 12 | 2019
Training the Trainers Module I: Training on categories & methodologies on informal jobs and informal economy analysis in Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brasil
02 | 04 | 2020
Seminario "Categorías y metodologías para el análisis de la informalidad"
31 | 07 | 2020
Conferencia Online: Naturaleza y significación de la informalidad
28 | 08 | 2020
Conferencia Magistral Online:"Informalidad, desigualdad y protección social en América Latina"
25 | 09 | 2020
Online Conference Module 3 "Género y Raza en la Informalidad Laboral" ("Online Virtual Course Informalidad y sus múltiples dimensiones en América Latina")
26 | 10 | 2020
Conferencia Magistral Online "Enfoques y dinámica de la informalidad en América Latina"
07 | 04 | 2022
Conferencia Regional ¿Hacia dónde va el trabajo? Informalidad, digitalización y reproducción social en América Latina.
El próximo 7 de abril se realizará en Buenos Aires, Argentina, la Conferencia Regional ¿Hacia dónde va el trabajo? Informalidad, digitalización y reproducción social en América Latina.