Developing research and innovation capacities of Latinamerican HEI for the analysis of informal labour market
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nterview with the District Coordinator in Municipal Spaces of the Southern District of Rosario of the "Santa Fe Más" Program dependent on the Ministry of Social Development of the Government of the Province of Santa Fe.
Within the framework of the LATWORK International Cooperation Project “Developing research and innovation capacities of Latin American HEI for the analysis of informal labor market”, the LATWORK Team of the National University of Rosario spoke with Lic. Nerea Alvarez.

Lic. Alvarez is District Coordinator in Municipal Spaces of the Southern District of Rosario of the "Santa Fe Más" Program dependent on the Ministry of Social Development of the Government of the Province of Santa Fe.

In the interview, the LATWORK project was made known, the "Santa Fe Más" Program in the Province of Santa Fe was reflected on, and some lines of action were known regarding work, the job training scheme, as well as other planned incentives in the program.

Below we share the link of the video:
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